16 January 2016

~*~2015 Bloodies Voting~*~

Welcome to the 2015 Bloodies voting! Voting begins January 17th and will run until January 23rd, with the results being posted some time on January 24th.

If you don't see your nominations here, it's because they were either inappropriate or you failed to follow the rules spelled out on the nomination form.

Voting is easy! Select the person you wish to vote for and keep going! With voting, if you have been nominated you MAY vote for yourself. The only rule: Do NOT submit multiple forms. If you have issues, please mail River Song in game. If multiple forms are submitted by one player, all their forms will be deleted.

Those who fill out the form completely will receive 500bm

a Rafflecopter giveaway Happy Voting!

11 January 2016

December's RPM Winners!

Here are the winners for December's Role Play of the Month!

First place:
$3200 Blood Money and 'Best RP December 2015'
Rotten Lust || Murder in the City

Second place:
$1600 Blood Money
Melody of and for Myself
Ivel Sahpile

Third Place:
$800 Blood Money
A Handsome Stranger Called Death
Mackenzie & Victor Lockheed

Random Voter
$600k Random Voter: Hollen
$300k Random Voter: Dylan Knox
$150k Random Voter: Bree Ravencroft

Congratulations to our winners!