03 May 2014

April's RPM Winners

The results are in! It was VERY close, but here are the winners of April's Role Play of the Month

First place:
1600 Blood Money and a Profile Award
Forcing the issue
Stalker & Livia Vlcek

Second place:
800 Blood Money
The Monster Inside of Me.
Father Pat McGroin

Third Place:
400 Blood Money
Can't Escape The Past
Eden Kennedy & Jackson McCarthy

Random Voter
$500K Bree Ravencroft
$250K Moon Fyre
$125K Eden Kennedy

Congratulations to our winners!

27 April 2014

2014 Summer Bloodies Nominations

It's time to nominate people for the 2014 Summer Bloodies!

Each player is allowed to submit one nomination form (not one per character). If you submit more than one sheet your nominations will be NOT be counted and you won't have a chance to resubmit them.

You may not nominate your own characters for any category. The only exception is that this year leaders may nominate themselves for crew categories only. If you nominate your own characters your sheet will NOT be counted.

Elders may only be nominated for elder specific categories.

All characters being nominated must have been active in the game on or after March 1, 2014 (with the exception of Most Missed Crew and Most Missed Character). This is to ensure that the awards remain something for those who are staying active in the Realm. Nominations for characters who have not logged in since March 1, 2014 will not be counted.

Players are not required to nominate someone for each category but those who do complete the entire form will receive 100 BM. All players who complete the entire form will be have their character name placed into a raffle for 1000 BM.

Please be sure to follow these guidelines, if you do not you will find that your nominations aren't counted and that means someone you wanted to nominate will not be added to the nominees. Everything here is clearly explained, if you do not understand something contact me before submitting your nomination form. Once your nomination form has been submitted there will no second chances.

If you have any questions please contact Paige Turner via The Dark Chronicle in game or through her Facebook page.

a Rafflecopter giveaway